Wednesday 13 June 2007


When the gods single you out for destruction, they first drive you mad. Not mad in the real sense of the word, though they can do it, rather its hubris, pride and arrogance that they fill your mind with. Besides that, its common knowledge that pride comes before a fall.

Its in light of this that Kituyi's statement that the government will 'do all it can to win the 07 poll' must be looked at. True the government has done a lot, but saying that 'nowhere in Africa has a sitting President lost an election' is the height of arrogance.

The last time i checked there was no incubent president who had been won in a referendum before Kibaki came along. Olesugun followed suit. So i wouldnt be surprised if Kibaki becomes the first sitting President in Africa to be voted out. Kenyans are a very capable of doing that.

It takes such arrogant display of power for the public to show the powers that be where and who is the real McCoy as far as residual power is concerned. Ask Moi and he knows.

Its such a shame that power corrodes such otherwise great minds like Kituyi's.

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