Monday 9 July 2007

GlaxoSmithKline is the maker of the second leading pain-killer in Kenya, Hedex. After Panadol Extra was introduced into the market, they followed the same way and made a Hedex Extra tablet.

Sometimes in the last two weeks, a recall of the Hedex Extra has been initiated by the drug maker due to public outcry of its poor state especially in and around Mombasa areas.

The tablet was found to have crystals on it causing discolouration. When it was opened from its blister pack, it smelled bad and crumbled to powder form. The crystals were said to be salicylic acid whose toxicity levels couldn't be announced for reasons best known to the drug makers and the drug Board in Kenya. But for Obvious reasons!

In a GSK ad, the drug maker claimed 'there were no reported side-effectd/symptoms occasioned by the use of the affected product by consumers'! How true this is cant be verified.

But what can be verified is that the drug maker is the one that has gone public only in the print media but after the news was carried in the media, while the Poisons Board nor the Pharmacy Board have seen it fit to inform the public. To say that they are acting in public interesting is stretching a fact for so long! They act in the interest of the drug lords. Why haven't they gone on national radio and TV to inform the public on such a health risk. In developed countries, such a move is bound to have the drug pulled out of the market and the tests carried out on it ascertain the real cause of the crystallisation!

So GSK saying that 'they are committed to ensure that patient/ consumer safety is not compromised at anytime' doesn't wash with this blogger.

Am not a drug maker basher, but i can only trust them as far as i can spit them. Look at the drug fiasco in Nigeria and you will begin to understand why i view them with little respect.

And what a joke passes for the Poisons and Pharmacy Boards.

1 comment:

  1. Mr ass,as i always tells you keep watch on two things that controls the balance of power in the world;DRUGS(Narcotics and Pharmaceutical companies)and PETROLEUM or OIL companies.They bankroll powers and powers to be.Reason is just simple;all wanjikus of the world cant do without none even for a single day.Thats why they are ever making sky rocket high profits.No one ever takes them. Alright gigolo?
