Monday 28 May 2007


I once thought that in Mutahi Kagwe, Kenya had a hardworking minister at its disposal. What with all the Submarine cable affairs and SNO as well as his co-operation to make the telecom industry better. But not anymore.

The media bill that he has introduced is an insult to the intelligence of Kenyans who value the freedom of in formation. The bill reeks of authoritarianism, dictatorship, myopia all cooked together in the pot of stupidity!

Kagwe should have had the mind to read the public mood and know that as long as the government places itself against the media, it will always be the looser and hands down while at it. He should have learnt from the escapades of his father-in-law (Michuki). Today, Michuki is known more as the media basher his success at the Transport Ministry notwithstanding. It’s an albatross on his neck that he will go with to his grave! Kagwe should also have foreseen the furor that would have resulted from his bill.

This blogger holds no brief for the press, but on any day and twice on Sunday, I would bet my life with the Press than the government.

That the Media Bill seeks to regulate the media, accredit the journalists will fall even before it flies. In parliament, it’s bound to come into obstacles because this being an election year, not many MP’s will want to be seen to be antagonistic to the press. What with their renewed power and influence in the mind of Kenyans. The Press in Kenya isn’t the legendary Fourth Estate; it has metamorphosed into the First Estate! On this front, the press will fight back tooth and nail and trust me; the loser is as predictable as the sun rises – The Government. No single power in the world fights the press and wins! Never!

The Kibaki administration will go down history as one which took the repression of the press freedom to new lows thanks to the official corruption that it seeks to hide by repressing the media. What a Legacy Kibaki will leave.

As I have said earlier in this for a, this government operates as though it’s on a permanent self-destruct mode. They will wake up when it’s too late to do anything. One wonders if this is part of its re-election game plan. And don’t be surprised when otherwise smart people in the administration act as stupidly as Kagwe and his ilk. Soon a government of fools and its voters are bound to part ways eventually.

It’s good and heartening to know that Freedom of Information Bill 2007 has been tabled by Prof. Anyan’g Nyong’o and its main target is the Official Secrets Act.

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