Before the Cross Country came back home, Mombasa had roads not worth writing home about. Then things changed. Street lights were lit, Mama Ngina drive turned into a gem and the roads, well- they were re-carpeted. At least that is what we all thought until the rains started pounding the region for seven straight days unraveling the mystery that is road re-carpeting.
The Mombasa beautification was overseen by none other than the Chief Government Spokesman, Dr. Alf Mutua! Chief, because he is the only one mandated to explain government policy to Kenyans in a lingua franca easily understood not the legal gobbledygook! But being Kenya, we have other spokesmen/women who never know how irritating it is listening to their prattle!
When he returned to Mombasa after the Cross Country had come back home and returned to wherever it came from, and much later after the rains, he was shocked to find the roads were back to the pre-homecoming. Visibly enraged and angry at the shoddy job, he called for the arrest of the contractors and away they were taken by the police.
In Parliament, Nyachae was angry and threatening to resign because of Mutua’s actions!
My advice to him - RESIGN ASAP!
Mutua was angry and rightly so, as any right thinking Kenyan would after putting all their energy on something and paying for it through the nose only for it to crumble due to a shoddy job and worker! But we must, try as we might, and am not justifying the contractor’s actions, that Nyachae belongs to a clique of the old moneyed guard for whom anything goes as long money has been made. To them, service delivery and shame are words from the Martian vocabulary!
The contractors did a shoddy job and Nyachae threatening to resign over this is rather weird. Resigning because your corrupt cohorts have been nabbed? Get Real Nyachae! Why are you siding with a lot that deserves to be put into the coolers and the keys thrown to the ocean floor? Nyachae, his ilk and these type of contractors are the people who have made Kenya what it is today. Roads are poor; hospitals are under funded, drugs rotting at the supplies dept …… Isn’t he ashamed that barely two months after re-carpeting, the roads have crumbled to poor state? But conscience is alien to this geezer.
Mr. Nyachae, don’t you know that you and your ilk are a curse on the Kenyan people and the faster you get out of the scene the better for all of us for you have overstayed your welcome.
And spare us the theatrics and child-like tantrums Mr. Nyachae.
And Mutua, keep them old timers on their toes as well as the under-performing government officials!